
T.K.S. Group has been renewed its certification as a member
of the Thai Private Sector Collective Action Coalition
Against Corruption (CAC) for the first time by the
Institute of Directors Thailand (IOD).

The 3Rs Award trophy for the project enhancing industrial waste management efficiency towards Zero Waste to Landfill in the year 2023.

ISB Leader Awards 2023 Certificate and Trophy, consecutive for the second year, upgraded from Initiator to Leader level by the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT). This award is recognized based on international performance standards from operational excellence.

CSR-DIW Continuous Award Certificate and Trophy for the year 2023, consecutive for the second year from the Department of Industrial Works (DIW), Ministry of Industry

Eco Factory Certificate and Trophy, consecutive for the 7th year from the Federation of Thai Industries, recognizing the factory’s commitment to environmentally friendly operations for sustainable development.

Green Star Award received during the Environmental Stewardship Ceremony for the year 2023.

Certificate and Trophy for Outstanding Greenhouse Gas Reduction Network Factory for the year 2023 from the Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT).

Carbon Footprint Organization-level Certificate from the Federation of Thai Industries.

Continuous Excellent Corporate Governance Scoring at the 5-star level (“Excellent CG Scoring”) for the second consecutive year, also ranked in the Top Quartile for the year 2023. This evaluation is part of the Corporate Governance Report (CGR) survey for the year 2023 conducted by the Institute of Directors Thailand (IOD) under the support of the Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) and the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

SET ESG Ratings for Sustainable Stocks in the year 2023 at the A level for the second consecutive year (formerly known as THSI Sustainable Stocks). This evaluation is conducted by the Stock Exchange of Thailand, reflecting the importance of sustainable business practices

Mr. Jutiphan Mongkolsuthree,
the Company's Chief Executive
Officer, received the Outstanding Young Rising Star CEO Awards
at the SET Awards 2022.
Organized by the Stock Exchange
of Thailand in conjunction with
Money and Banking Magazine

The company was honored Environmental Governance
Awards 2022 (Green Star Award 2022) from the Sinsakhon Industrial Estate for the company to be an excellent factory according to the project to promote public participation in factory supervision of the year 2022.

The company received
the ISB Awards 2022
from the Industrial Estate
Authority of Thailand (IEAT).

The company received a plaque of appreciation for participating in the Energy Advisory Project under the Energy Conservation Standard Enforcement Pilot Project for energy
producers and distributors from the Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand (EGAT)

The company received
a certificate Corporate Carbon Footprint in 2022 from Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Public Organization)
for the 4th consecutive year

The company received
an award and a certificate of outstanding ethics for the year 2022 (TCC Best Award 20TH ) by the Thai Chamber of Commerce.

The company received
a plaque and certificate of CSR-DIW Award for the year 2022 in
the project to promote industrial factories with social and community responsibility for sustainable development goals (CSR-DIW to achieve SDGs) from the Department
of Industrial Works.

The company was selected
as a sustainable stock or Thailand Sustainability Investment (THSI) of
the year 2022 for companies listed
in the service group by the Stock Exchange of Thailand.

The company is ranked
in the top 100 of the 2022 ESG100, ranked by Thaipat Institute.

The company was assessed at an excellent level from the Corporate Governance Report of Thai Listed
Companies (CGR) 2022 by the Thai Institute of Directors Association (IOD).

The company received a full score
of 100 from the assessment of the quality of the 2022 Annual General
Meeting of Shareholders (AGM Checklist) by the Thai Investors Association.

The Company has been certified as a member of the Private Sector Collective Action Coalition against Corruption of Thailand (CAC) against corruption.

The company received a certificate
of carbon footprint of the organization As an operation and promotion of greenhouse gas emissions reduction at the 2020
"Roi Hearts Reduce Global Warming" (Carbon Footprint) event.

The Company received the Eco Factory standard shield at the “Eco Innovation Forum 2020” event,
which recognized the factory management standard that takes
into account the en-vironment. Promote the movement of the ecosystem to grow in a balanced way.

The company is ranked in the top
100 for the 5th year of the 2020 ESG100, which is ranked by
Thaipat Institute. with outstanding performance in Environmental,
Social and Governance (ESG)

The Company's subsidiary, Gofive Company Limited, received an
award from Thailand ICT Awards 2019 (TICTA2019) in the national
software contest. Is a company that develops Venio CRM system, emphasizing its success Become
the leader in the most attractive
CRM system on smartphones.

T.K.S. Siam Press Management Company Limited, a subsidiary, has been granted of HALAL certification mark from the Office of the Central Islamic Council of Thailand to certify that the product, production process and packaging correctly comply with the process of Islamic principles.

The Company was ranked as one of ESG 100 Listed Companies for 2019
for the fourth consecutive year, this is the sustainability assessment organized by Thaipat Institute selecting 100 companies with outstanding performance in terms of Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG) from 771 listed companies.

The Company was selected to be in the group of ESG 100 listed
companies in 2018 as the third consecutive year based on the sustainability assessment organized by Thaipat Institute, it is the selection from 683 listed companies in 2018, which had outstanding operations in Environmental, Social and
Governance (ESG).

The Company received the Best of
the Best award in the category of
Best in More Than One Production Process and the Gold Award in the Multi-Piece Production & Campaigns category at the 12th Thailand Print Award 2017.

The company has been ranked number 1 in the 100 for the second year in the ESG100, a ranking by Thaipat Institute. It was selected from 656 listed securities companies in 2017 with outstanding performance
in environment, society and good governance. (Environmental, Social and Governance : ESG)

The company has been certified as Eco Factory from the Institute of Industrial Environment The
Federation of Thai Industries on September 21, 2016

The company was ranked 1st in the ESG100, a ranking by Thaipat
Institute. It was selected from 621 listed securities companies in 2016 with outstanding performance in environment, society and good governance. (Environmental, Social and Governance : ESG)

Received Best Company
Performance Awards and Best
Investor Relations Awards, Market Capitalization Group, not exceeding 3,000 million baht.

The Company's subsidiary, T.K.S. Siam Press Management Co., Ltd., received an award from the 9th Thai Print Award 2014 publication contest. Innovative/Special Printing from the same piece

The company received an award

The Company's subsidiary, T.K.S. Siam Press Management Co., Ltd., received an award from the publication contest in the 8th Thai Print Award 2013 by receiving the award "Best of the Best" in the category of work. Best in more than one production process and received the “Silver Award” in the category of Innovative/Special Printing from the same work.

The Company's subsidiary, T.K.S.
Siam Press Management Co., Ltd., received an award from the 7th Thai Print Award 2012 publication contest. Innovative/Special Printing from the same piece

Subsidiary company T.K.S. Siam Press
Management Co., Ltd. received 3
awards from the publication contest at
the 7th Asian Print Award 2009 in
Kuala Lumpur. Malaysia
Best of the Best in the category of
work Best in more than
one production process
Gold Award for Special Printing

The Company's subsidiary, Synnex
(Thailand) Public Company Limited,
is licensed to be a listed company on
the Stock Exchange of Thailand. and
traded securities on June 16, 2008.

The company received the award "Best of the Best : Best in more than one production" from the publication contest in the 1st Thai Print Award 2006 held by the Thai Printing Association. The company received the “Best of the Best” award in the category of Best Innovative Use
of the Printing Process, the Gold Award in the category of Innovation in Printing, and the Bronze Award in the category of Annual Financial Reports. From the 4th Asian Print
Awards 2006 in Bangkok. Shanghai People's Republic of China
Quality Standards and Certificates
The company has a policy to produce products and services with good quality and high standards by using modern technology and maintain a quality control system covering every step of the production process.
We are committed to the standards and quality of our products and services, which operates under the management system certification according to international standards, divided into 5 categories as follows
1. Quality Management

ISO 9001
Quality Management System
2. Information Security Management

ISO 27001
Information Security Management System
3. Business Continuity Management

ISO 22301
Business Continuity Management

ISO 29110
Software Project Management
and Software Development Process
4. Environmental Management

ISO 14001
Environmental Management System

Eco-Factory - The most efficient use
of resources in manufacturing

Green Industry Level 4 - Green Culture
in the organization

TGO CFO , CFP - Thailand Greenhouse
Gas Management Organization
(Public Organization and Product)
5. Product Manufacturing

HALAL Complies with the provisions
of the Islamic Religion

CODEX HACCP & GHPs - Good Hygiene
Practices (GHPs)/ The Hazard Analysis
and Critical Control Point
(HACCP) system (CXC 1-1969)

FSSC 22000 - Global Food
Safety Initiative – GFSI

MiT (Made in Thailand) Certificated from
The Federation of Thai Industries