History and
Key Developments
TKS never stops developing and driving the organization continuously


- Approval for increasing the registered capital of Gofive Co., Ltd., a subsidiary, from the original registered capital of 10,350,000 baht to 50,000,000 baht, with a par value of 10 baht per share, by issuing 3,965,000 new common shares with a par value of 10 baht per share.
- Changing the name of "T.K.S. Siampress Management Co., Ltd.," a subsidiary in which the company holds a 99.99% stake, to "Siampress Co., Ltd."
- Approval was granted for the issuance and offering of debentures within a total limit of not exceeding 2,000 million Baht. This is to be utilized for general business purposes, and/or repayment of debts, and/or investment by the Company and its subsidiaries, and/or as working capital for the Company and its subsidiaries.

- Established Next Ventures Co., Ltd. as a new subsidiary.
- TKS increased its registered capital from 462,226,467 baht to 508,449,467 baht.
- Sale of 25,000,000 ordinary shares of SABUY Technology Public Company Limited (“SABUY”) (1.75%)
- Acquired 32,4000,000 ordinary shares of Metro Systems Corporation Public Company Limited (“MSC”) (9.00%).
- Selling ordinary shares of SABUY Technology Public Company Limited (“SABUY”) in the amount of 8,000,000 shares (0.54%) and SABUY-W2 in the amount of 25,350,000 units, resulting in the Company's shareholding in SABUY remaining no more than 5.16% and SABUY -W2 remaining amount 8,650,000 units
- Acquired 19,200,000 ordinary shares (1.44%) of Advanced Information Technology Public Company Limited (“AIT”) and 28,968,900 units of AIT-W2.
- Selling common shares of SABUY in the amount of 39,000,000 shares and SABUY-W2 in the amount of 8,650,000 units to Mr.Chookiat, which will result in the Company remaining and holding common shares of SABUY in the amount of 38,000,000 shares (2.55%) and no SABUY-W2 remaining.

- The Company purchased newly issued ordinary shares of Sabai Technology Public Company Limited (“SABUY”) in the amount of 110,000,000 shares (9.68%).
- The Company sold 150,061,118 ordinary shares of TBSP, representing not less than 73.48% to SABUY, which after the sale of TBSP shares resulted in the Company holding 25% of shares in TBSP.
- The Company purchased 10,209,711 newly issued ordinary shares offered to the existing shareholders in proportion to their shareholding (Right Offering) of TBSP Public Company Limited (“TBSP”), resulting in TKS maintaining the proportion. Shareholding in TBSP 25%

- There is a business restructuring of the company group. By transferring the entire business, which is the printing business, T.K.S. Siam Press Management Co., Ltd. through Service Hall Co., Ltd., a newly established subsidiary, to TBSP Co., Ltd. Public Company Limited (“TBSP”) whereby TBSP issued and allocated 94,220,357 newly issued ordinary shares of TBSP to Service Hall as consideration for the purchase and acceptance of the entire business transfer. However, Service Hall Has registered the dissolution of the company with the Department of Business Development. Ministry of Commerce on June 10, 2020, the liquidators and other shareholders of the Service Hall therefore sent a letter to inform TBSP to proceed with the allocation of 94,220,357 newly issued ordinary shares.

- The Company disposed 399,997 ordinary shares of Gofive Co., Ltd., representing 40% of the total issued and sold shares to Mr. Jutiphan Mongkolsuthree at the price of 6 Baht per share in the amount of 2,399,982 Baht, resulting in holding 60% of total shares by the company.
- Thai British Security Printing Public Company Limited has changed the company name is TBSP Public Company Limited "TBSP" and the proportion was adjusted from 79.74% to 97.17%, which is a manufacturer security printing such as plastic cards, cheque, passbook, security labels, RFID and smart card reader. At that time, TBSP was a subsidiary of the company.
- The Company's subsidiary, T.K.S Siam Press Management Company Limited, has acquired the investment in T.K.S.-Wellco (Thailand) Company Limited, resulting in the company Group’s shareholding proportion from 51% to be 100% of total shares and changed its name to be MARVEL PACK Co., Ltd, a subsidiary
- The Company has established a subsidiary, Service Hall Co., Ltd., with the shares held by the company in SPM (Share Swap) to support the business restructuring of the group in relation to the business of form printing services. as well as all types of print media by merging affiliated companies that operate publishing business together or organized within the same group